f The Wittenberg Door: What Does it Mean to be Reformed?

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Commenting on Christendom, culture, history, and other oddities of life from an historic Protestant perspective.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

What Does it Mean to be Reformed?

When my father suddenly passed away a few years ago, I was tasked with finding a church big enough for the funeral service (over 1,000 people attended). So I called around to a few of our community’s large Evangelical churches. With each call I was asked where the presiding minister preached, “Grace Reformed Church,” I answered. “Reformed? Are you Mormons?” was one question; the others too were confused by the term. “Are you familiar with the Reformation?” I would asked. “How about Martin Luther?” “The civil right’s leader?” was a common reply.

I find this lack of historical knowledge regarding our Protestant roots common among today’s Evangelicals. I was the same way. My first exposure with classical Protestantism came in a very unlikely place—at a Calvary Chapel service. A gentleman I knew asked me if I’d like to meet Bob, “He’s a Calvinist.” “Gee, I sure hope it isn’t contagious.” I hadn’t a clue what that meant or who John Calvin was—and I had been a Christian for seven years!

New Covenant Believer

I recently discovered a fantastic blog: New Covenant Believer. At that blog Dave has just started a series titled What Does it Mean to be Reformed? I couldn’t recommend it more. Here’s an excerpt where Dave explains his goals:

So during this week, I’ll be presenting the reformed faith through a Layman’s eyes and I pray to God that it will be truthful and edifying to any who might be encouraged to read it. In the following days, I will present topics such as; Is the Reformation important to us, Who were the reformers, a closer look John Wycliff, a closer look at Martin Luther, a closer look at John Calvin, who were the puritans, are the historic protestant creeds and confessions important to us, what defines a “reformed” church, what is distinctive about reformed worship and what does being reformed mean to me?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"How about Martin Luther?""The civil right's leader?" was a common reply."

"He's a Calvinist.""Gee, I sure hope it isn't contagious."

Ok, let me wipe the tears away from my eyes, from laughing so hard.... well thank you Catechizer for the good words and the link to my posts. I'm not sure if they are all that good, but hopefully, God willing, they contain some truth.

May His peace and grace be with you,


4:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

m.g. was here

9:01 PM  

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