f The Wittenberg Door: Cut Time in Purgatory by Following Pope on Twitter!

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Friday, July 19, 2013

Cut Time in Purgatory by Following Pope on Twitter!

Finally! Since the sufferings and death of Christ are obviously insufficient to cover my guilt, an adequate substitute has been discovered...Twitter! That silly Martin Luther (tsk, tsk, tsk); thinking a man could be justified by faith alone. If he only knew that indulgences would come so far in the modern era, he may have understood their usefulness.

All sarcasm aside, in its question and answer #61, the Heidelberg Catechism responds to the idea that faith in the satisfaction, righteousness, and holiness of Christ, alone, is somehow lacking, pertaining to what is required by God of man. In question and answer #30, the catechism addresses the assertion that in addition to Jesus, ones' self, so-called saints, or any other source might be a reasonable increment to the Savior's work. In its response, the confession states that, "...although they make their boast in (Jesus), yet in their deeds they deny the only Savior; for either Jesus is not a complete Savior, or they who by true faith receive this Savior, must have in Him all that is necessary to their salvation."

Forsake all others and place the whole of your faith and trust in the substitutionary righteousness and atonement of Jesus of Nazareth. He alone can save, and that to the uttermost. His works are complete (John 19:30), and need no improvement or supplement (Romans 9:11b).

--The Deacon



Blogger Grumpy Putz said...

You're a couple days and a dollar short on this post which has been debunked but not after being reported by every media outlet on earth proving that none of them can be trusted. Trust in God, everyone else pays cash.


8:37 AM  
Anonymous The Deacon said...

Thank you for clarifying, badbear. Hopefully you noticed, that I didn't focus on the medium (Twitter); but rather the idea that trust in the finished work of Christ ALONE is the sole ground and confidence of anyone desiring to have atonement for their sins. It is interesting however, that the media (who generally draws no distinction between Rome and Christianity as a whole) chose to warp Rome's attempt to be inclusive and use it as an attempt to mock Christianity and the ideas of eternal punishment, atonement, repentance which bears fruit, etc.

- TD

3:30 PM  
Blogger The Catechizer and The Deacon said...

Thank you for clarifying, badbear. Hopefully you noticed that I didn't focus on the medium (Twitter); but rather the idea that trust in the finished work of Christ ALONE is the sole ground and confidence of anyone desiring to have atonement for their sins. It is interesting however, that the media (who generally draws no distinction between Rome and Christianity as a whole) chose to warp Rome's attempt to be inclusive and use it as an attempt to mock Christianity and the ideas of eternal punishment, atonement, repentance which bears fruit, etc.

--The Deacon

3:46 PM  

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